No More Than Nothing

1.1.0 Is Out.

Finally I managed to make some time to work this out.

Except the change on the look, I’d like to introduce some interesting changes internally.

1. Partial update.

By far, The most issues I have received is that MPlayerX was unable to play some file. Most of the time, such issue is not related with MPlayerX itself, but ffmpeg or mplayer which works as the player core inside of MPlayerX.

So I introduced this so called Partial Update into 1.1.0, which enable me to update the ffmpeg/mplayer part without updatig the whole app. Hopfully It could help me to update the player core to resolve your playback issues more quickly.

It is still a hidden settings, for the one who only wants to know how to enable it, here you go

    cd ~/Library/Preferences
    defaults write org.niltsh.MPlayerX CorePartialUpdate 1

For the one who wants to know how it works, please give me 5 minutes to explain the mechanism.

MPlayerX now wraps the core part as a bundle. Each time it starts, it will check ~/Library/Application Support/MPlayerX/bundles, if there has the latest bundle, MPlayerX will just use it, Otherwize, MPlayerX will overwirte with the default bundle inside of the App first.


Afer that, MPlayerX will check a separate channel if there is any update for these bundles, if there is a match, it will download and replace the bundles at next start-up.

And you will receive a notification as below,


2. HTTPS support

About a yeaer ago, Youtube started to transfer all their video links into https, which broke MPlayerX’s online playback totally. Now MPlayerX add the support for https, and please enjoy the non-ads video again.

There are still other trivial optimizations to find out, please enjoy the new version of MPlayerX.

Thank you.

BRs, Zongyao Qu